Important Message



Important Message



District Clerk


The District Clerk’s office is essential to maintaining the efficient function and transparency of the government process for the governing Boards and Committees within The Villages. This office facilitates and maintains open lines of communication between the public and the various governing bodies while ensuring compliance with Florida State Statutes.

  • Providing proper notification of all public meetings
  • Distribution of agendas and packages to relevant parties
  • Recording and transcription of meeting minutes
  • Archival of associated documentation per Florida State Statutes
  • Responds to all public record requests
  • Oversees the Landowner Elections*

*A Landowner Election is held for the purpose of electing Supervisors to the numbered District Boards prior to the transition to the qualified election process. In a Landowner Election, Board Supervisors are elected by landowner votes. To participate, individuals are not required to be registered voters but must be landowners within the District.

These elections are separate from the general election, and each landowner is entitled to one vote per acre or part thereof. After six years and when there are 250 registered voters residing in the District, the seats transition in staggered terms to qualified seats. Eventually, all numbered Board Supervisors will be elected by ‘qualified electors’ (registered voters) residing in the District, and the election process will be conducted by the Supervisor of Elections Office on the general election ballot.

Public Records Request

Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Please forward requests to Jennifer Farlow.

Per Florida Statute 119.07 copies of Public Records can be obtained from the District Clerk’s office for $.15 per page.

Jennifer Farlow

District Clerk

Jennifer Farlow, District Clerk
3571 Kiessel Road
The Villages, FL 32163
