Important Message



Important Message



Sumter Landing

Community Development District


Sumter Landing Community Development District was established pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 190 and Sumter County Ordinance No. 02-06 on March 19, 2002. The lands that are encompassed by the District are located in the Sumter County, FL and consist of approximately 432 acres. The geographical boundary of the District is comprised of commercial properties.

Current Ordinance




Board of Supervisors

Sumter Landing

Mailing Address

Kenneth C. Blocker, Registered Agent

3571 Kiessel Road, The Villages, FL 32163

All Board Supervisors of Sumter Landing are Landowner Elected.

As a governmental entity in the State of Florida, the District is held to the same high standards as cities and counties as it pertains to Sunshine Law, Public Records Law, Financial Reporting and Financial Disclosure Laws. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors adhere to Florida Statute Chapter 112, Part III – Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees.

Joseph Nisbett

Vice Chair, Seat 1

4-Year Term: 2022-2026

Dr. Randy McDaniel

Seat 2

4-Year Term: 2022-2026

Steve Drake

Seat 3

4-Year Term: 2024-2028

Gerry Lachnicht

seat 4

2-Year Term: 2024-2026

Mike Berning

CHair, seat 5

4-Year Term: 2024-2028

Sumter Landing Information

Project Wide Improvements

South of CR466 there is a unique mechanism to manage the maintenance assessments needed for “common” areas. 

Infrastructure such as landscape along major roadways, storm water facilities, tunnels, multi-modal paths, etc. are paid for through a Project Wide Fund (PWF). 

The PWF receives its revenue from Districts 5-13, Sumter Landing and Brownwood Community Development Districts based on assessable acreage and the funds are used to maintain the common areas.

Project Wide Advisory Committee

The Project Wide Advisory Committee (PWAC) was established by Resolution 13-05 of the Sumter Landing Community Development District (SLCDD). The establishing resolution provides the PWAC will provide input, explore issues and provide advice and recommendations to the SLCDD on issues related to the maintenance of Project Wide Improvements.


Annual Audit

This Audit report provides the reader with a narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Districts for the last fiscal year. This report is designed to (a) assist the reader in focusing on significant financial issues; (b) provide an overview of the District’s financial activities; (c) identify changes in the District’s financial position and its ability to address the next and subsequent year challenges (d) identify any material deviations from the financial plan (the approved budget), and (e) identify any individual fund issues and concerns.


budget & amendments

The annual adopted budgets are balanced budgets listing estimated revenues and expenditures by line item and outlining funding recommendations for each Fiscal Year.

The District’s Fiscal Year (FY) runs from October 1 to September 30 each year.

Policies & Procedures

The Policies and Procedures for the Districts include the general operating procedures as well as investment manual and long-term investment policy. 

Annual Report

The District Annual Report contains a breakdown of facts and figures, provide numerous accomplishments, cost-saving measures, enhancements and various projects that have been implemented over the last Fiscal Year.

As with many things throughout the community, the dedication to a balanced budget that delivers consistency, transparency and cost-effectiveness is paramount.
