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Services & Programs


Fire Suppression

Fire suppression involves the prevention of spread and the extinguishment of fires involving, but not limited to: structures vehicles and machinery, equipment, and wildland interfaces. VPSD responds to over 300 fire related incidents per year.   

Emergency Medical Services

The Villages Public Safety Department provides Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) Emergency Medical Services, including ambulance transport services.

Quick Statistics
  • VPSD responds to over 18,000 EMS incidents per year
  • VPSD deploys a fleet of 15 ambulances for emergency medical response throughout The Villages 
  • FY 22/23 Average Ambulance Response Time = 06:24* (emergent calls) 07:48* (non-emergent calls)
    *Displayed in minutes and seconds

Technical Rescue

The Villages Public Safety Department’s Heavy Technical Rescue Team (FL-TRT-424) is comprised of firefighter/EMTs and firefighter/paramedics specializing in High Angle Rope Rescue, Vehicle Machinery Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Trench Collapse Rescue, Structural Collapse Rescue, Large Animal Rescue, and Swift Water Rescue – this team is a local, regional, and state asset.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials response, also known as HAZMAT, involves the response to, identification of, and mitigation to situations involving hazardous, or potentially hazardous, materials. Hazardous materials come in the form of solid, liquid, or gas.

All Villages Public Safety Department personnel have been trained to the hazardous materials  “operations” level in accordance with Florida State requirements to be a state-certified firefighter: operations-level training ensures that personnel possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities in regard to identifying hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction, including being able to determine and initiate the required steps associated with mitigation of hazards.

Fire Inspections/Fire Prevention

Our Fire Prevention Division conducts periodic fire and life safety inspections to comply with  Florida Fire Prevention Code, aiming to enhance safety measures in our commercial and high-hazard areas.  

Inspections focus on educating the property and/or business owner regarding code and specific requirements and correcting any deficiencies that may lead to a fire or other hazardous conditions on-site.  

Often times, deficiencies identified during a fire and life safety inspection can be corrected on the spot.  Those that are not immediately correctable are given sufficient time, usually 14-days, for compliance. There are several deficiencies that require immediate attention:  an inoperable fire sprinkler or fire alarm system is an example where immediate attention is required and may lead to temporary closure of the occupancy.

Community Risk Reduction Programs

Your safety is our top priority. We are pleased to offer a range of Community Risk Reduction (CRR) programs aimed at increasing community safety and well-being. These programs are part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and health of you and your loved ones.

Smoke Detector Program

The Villages Public Safety Department offers smoke detector assistance to residents of The Villages as part of the department’s Fall Prevention Program, designed for residents who are unable to climb ladders to safely install and/or change the batteries in their smoke detector(s).

To register, call 352-205-8280.

Helpful Links

NFPA Fact Sheet

Community AED Program

Immediate access to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) can save lives. Our AED program focuses on strategically placing these devices in public spaces, training community members in their use, and fostering a heart-safe environment.

Car Seat Installation Program

If you would like assistance with your car seat, you can schedule an appointment with one of our certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians. Each car seat fitting is unique to the child, family, and vehicle. Appointments can take an average of 30 minutes; however, some may last longer.

Appointments can be scheduled between 9:00am and 4:30pm. To schedule your appointment, please call us, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm.

For your appointment you will need to bring: 

  • Your vehicle and your vehicle’s owner’s manual (if available) 
  • Your car seat and your car seat’s instruction manual (if available)

To schedule, call 352-205-8280.

CPR/AED Classes

Registration and payment (cash or check) is required prior to the class date. Anyone can register for classes by calling The Villages Public Safety Department Administration no more than 60 calendar days before class.

Classes Offered

American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Provider

This class is intended for individuals who are healthcare professionals or those that need this training and certification for healthcare/public safety employment. Teaches CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use for adults, children and infants. Attendees who successfully pass the course will receive a two-year certification card.

American Heart Association Family and Friends CPR/AED

Teaches basic compression CPR and AED use for adults, children and infants. This class doesn’t offer a certification card. It is recommended you take a refresher training class every two years.

The Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI) CPR/AED

Teaches CPR/AED and basic First Aid for adults, children and infants. Attendees who successfully pass the course will receive a two-year certification card.

To register, call 352-205-8280.

Knox Box Information

A Knox Box is a small, wall-mounted safe that holds building keys for fire and emergency services to retrieve in emergency situations. 

In an emergency, firefighters utilize the Knox Box to reduce access time and minimize forced entry damage into homes or businesses.

To order a KnoxBox for your home or business, please select one of the options below, or visit
