The District is pleased to serve its residents with a steady supply of pure, safe drinking water while providing dependable wastewater, sewer, and storm water services.
To provide water and customer service our community has come to expect and deserve.
Learn who regulates the water suppies by county.
*Have issued consumptive use permits to the four utility companies serving the residents of The Villages. Water and wastewater treatment and distribution are regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Listed below are the utilities serving the residents of The Villages.
Village Center Service Area (VCSA) services approximately 17,948 residents in District 1, Lady Lake and Lake County. VCSA comprises of 95 miles of potable water mains, 509 fire hydrants, 83 miles of sanitary sewer mains, 15 miles of sanitary force mains, 1643 manholes and 31 lift stations.
VCSA is regulated by St. Johns River Water Management District for water use and Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Orlando for water and wastewater treatment and distribution.
If you require documents older than 3 years, please contact District Clerk.
*Excludes Dist. 4 Ph. IV Phillips (M232), Soulliare (M233), and Chatham Acres (M839)
Little Sumter Service Area (LSSA) services approximately 25,030 residents in Districts 2, 3 and 4. LSSA comprises 117 miles of potable water mains, 939 fire hydrants, 127 miles of sanitary sewer mains, 30 miles of sanitary force mains, 2121 manholes and 16 lift stations.
LSSA is regulated by Southwest Florida Water Management District for water use and Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Orlando for water and wastewater treatment and distribution.
If you require documents older than 3 years, please contact District Clerk.
The North Sumter Utility and The Villages Water Conservation Authority (NSU/VWCA) currently service approximately 23,369 homes in Districts 5-8 and Sumter Landing. The NSU utility system is comprised of 229 miles of potable water mains, 171 miles of sanitary sewer gravity mains and 30 lift stations. Irrigation water provided by VWCA is comprised of 244 miles of non-potable water mains.
NSU and VWCA are regulated by the Southwest Florida Water Management District for water use and NSU is regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Orlando Office, for water and wastewater treatment and distribution.
If you require documents older than 3 years, please contact District Clerk.
The Central Sumter Utility and the Sumter Water Conservation Authority (CSU/SWCA) currently services approximately 13,859 homes in Districts 9 – 11 and Brownwood. The CSU utility system is comprised of 138 miles of potable water mains, 107 miles of gravity sanitary sewer mains, and 29 lift stations. Irrigation water provided by SWCA is comprised of 143 miles of non-potable irrigation mains.
CSU and SWCA are regulated by the Southwest Florida Water Management District for water use and CSU is regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Orlando Office, for water and wastewater treatment and distribution.
Central Sumter Utility
Village of Pine Ridge
If you require documents older than 3 years, please contact District Clerk.
South Sumter Utility (SSU) services approximately 7,825 homes in Districts 12, 13 and a portion of District 14.
SSU is regulated by the Southwest Florida Water Management District for water use and is regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Orlando Office, for water and wastewater treatment and distribution.
If you require documents older than 3 years, please contact District Clerk.
Sewer systems are susceptible to deterioration, blockage, and collapse as they age. Throughout the year, The Villages’ utilities operations and maintenance contractor, Jacobs, conducts sewer cleaning, closed-circuit camera (CCTV) inspections, and preventative maintenance.
Routine inspections like this minimize the risk of sewer backups and overflows and ensure optimal sewer system operation.
Fats, oil, and grease (FOG) is a major concern for wastewater collection systems. When not disposed of properly, FOG forms thick layers inside sewers constricting flow, similar to the way cholesterol affects blood flow in our arteries. Clogged sewers require additional maintenance and cleaning and can result in sewage spills and overflows.
FOG also places additional loadings on wastewater treatment plants, which can result in process operational difficulties, added treatment costs, and possible plant upsets. By doing your part, you can contribute to a cleaner and healthier utility system!
In November of 2023, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) introduced the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), a series of nationwide initiatives to help reduce exposure to lead in drinking water.
The LCRI proposes replacing 100% of lead water service lines within the next ten years, and the rule generally requires utilities to investigate water service line materials and make the necessary upgrades if lead pipes are found.
The Villages Community Development Districts Utilities Department has contracted with National Metering Services, Inc. (NMS) to remove and replace the current water meters in your community.
This change is necessary to implement Automated Meter Reading (AMR) in the utility systems. The new meters allow the transmission of meter reads for billing without physically accessing the meter.
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To submit a digital request please click below:
Or, please forward requests to:
Jennifer Farlow, District Clerk
3571 Kiessel Road, The Villages, FL 32163
Phone No. (352) 751-3939 | Fax No. (352) 753-6430
Florida law prohibits the Board of Supervisors from communicating with residents about Deed Compliance or Architectural Review issues/cases.
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