District Board Meetings are held at Seabreeze Recreation located at 2384 Buena Vista Boulevard. Audio recordings of Board meetings, workshops or public hearings are available for purchase per Florida Statute 119.07 through the District Clerk for $1.00 per CD requested. Residents may also arrange to listen to audio recordings at the District office. Please call 352-751-3939 for requests or information.
Village Community Development District No. 7 was established pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 190 and Sumter County Ordinance 04-35 on September 28, 2004. The lands that are encompassed by the District are located in Sumter County and consist of approximately 976 acres. In order to provide infrastructure services, the District issued Special Assessment Revenue Bonds. The proceeds of these bonds were used to construct improvements within the District which consists of roadway improvements, landscaping, open areas, streetlights, multi-modal paths, master drainage systems and a water and waste water distribution and collection service system. The bonds are supported by assessments that are levied upon the benefiting properties. In addition to the bond assessment for construction of the infrastructure, there is an annual maintenance assessment to provide for the services and ongoing maintenance and administration. Each homeowner may prepay the bond assessment against their property at any time; however, the maintenance assessment is ongoing and determined at the annual budget hearings by your Board of Supervisors.
Now that you are generally familiar with the District concept, let's describe the election process and the Board of Supervisors who oversee the activities of the District. Initially, the Board of Supervisors, consisting of five, is elected based upon land ownership. The legislature, in creating Chapter 190, recognized that in order to maintain continuity of the infrastructure provided to the newly developing community, that the developer, who then owns the majority of the land should be granted the right to substantially complete the project as envisioned by the various land use and zoning approvals that were obtained as part of the development review process. The legislature also recognized that at the time prescribed by statute, control should begin a process of transition to the residents.
Since 2012, all supervisors in District No. 7 have been elected by 'qualified electors' (registered voters) residing in the District. They are elected on a non-partisan basis on the general election ballot.
As a governmental entity in the State of Florida, Village Community Development District No. 7 is held to the same high standards as cities and counties as it pertains to Sunshine Law, Public Records Law, Financial Reporting and Financial Disclosure Laws. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors adheres to Florida Statute Chapter 112, Part III- Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees.
District Administration
984 Old Mill Run
The Villages, Florida 32162
Phone: 352-751-3939 - Fax: 352-753-6430