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Our Districts

The Villages Community Development Districts (VCDD) is made up of 25+ Districts. These units of local, special purpose government serve the residents of The Villages and provide specific services and functions to this amazing community.

Your special purpose Residential Commercial Dependent Utility District is ready to serve you!

What Is a Community Development District?

Special purpose governments, or Community Development Districts, are widely used throughout the United States to provide infrastructure to deliver a variety of services. They include: water management, fire control, road and bridge construction, maintenance, parks and recreational facilities, mosquito control, port and inlet districts, water and sewer systems, sidewalks, streetlights and similar infrastructure that is required to provide urban services to areas that may not have access to such services through a general purpose government, such as a municipality.

To provide these services, the District issues special assessment revenue bonds, the proceeds of the bonds are used to construct improvements within the District which consists of roadway improvements, landscaping, open areas, streetlights, multi-modal paths, master drainage systems and a water and waste water distribution and collection service system. The bonds are supported by assessments that are levied upon the benefiting properties or homes.

In addition to the bond assessment for construction of the infrastructure, there is an annual maintenance assessment to provide for the services and ongoing maintenance and administration. Each homeowner may prepay the bond assessment against their property at any time; however, the maintenance assessment is ongoing and determined at the annual budget hearings by your Board of Supervisors.

On behalf of District staff and the Boards of Supervisors for all Districts, we encourage and welcome your participation.

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes is the legislative authority for community development districts. It allows large landowners the mechanism to invest the time and financial resources to undertake a large scale new community, creating a public-private partnership.

Explore Our Districts

Looking for Your District?

Search for your home address to determine the services you receive based on your residential area. 
